Routines have their place in the work place. They help us stay on-task, organized, and consistent. However, doing something at the same time, the same way, and every day, often leads to burnout and demotivation. It’s vital for you to stay motivated or your performance will suffer. Below are five tips to help you beat monotony and remain inspired to put out the best work that you can:

stay motivated

5 Tips to Break your Routine and Stay Motivated at Work

  • Set New Goals. The majority of people become uninterested and bored at work because they no longer feel challenged. Stay motivated by pushing yourself to accomplish more than you previously had. Raise your performance goals. Make sure to use the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) when setting your goals. You’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish when you reach for goals that seemed previously unattainable.
  • Learn New Skills. If you feel that you’ve mastered your current tasks, learn a new one. This will keep your focus and motivation high. Let your employer or manager know that you want to learn something new. It gives them flexibility in their scheduling and better-trained employees. It will increase your awareness of the workplace and make you a more valuable employee. Learning new skills is a great way to move up the ladder. Never stop learning.
  • Help others. A great way to insure that you do not lose your inspiration is by helping others achieve their goals. Helping is fulfilling. After you finish your tasks for the day, help a co-worker with theirs. Another great way of breaking your routine is by teaching others the skills that you’ve mastered. Teaching enhances what you already know and places you in a position of influence and guidance with co-workers and management alike.
  • Take your breaks. You might think you’re helping your employer by skipping your breaks, but in reality you’re not as efficient as if you would take your breaks. Breaks are a great time to clear your mind and re-fuel your brain. Some of the best ideas come when you are not working. Take a walk around the block, grab a cup of coffee, meditate, or simply get away from your desk. You’ll be surprised at how motivated and eager you will be to return to your work after a break.
  • Contact Lara Media Services. Stay motivated by growing and expanding your business. At Lara Media, we’ve been helping organizations connect with new markets for over 16 years. Our unique position in the Latino community as active contributors, activists, and members has granted us access and credibility in this often-misunderstood market. Latinos are here to stay and instead of chasing your competitors for consumer loyalty, become the market leader! Contact us today!

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