Over the past few years, we have seen the explosion of some of the most prominent techniques to reach more people on social media. Any ideas on what one of those new techniques are? It is without hesitation the #hashtag. The worldwide recognizable symbol is now one of, if not the most important connection to reach people from all over the world to promote your business. How can you use hashtags to best represent you and your business on Instagram? Here are a few pointers:

  1. Whenever you post a video or picture on Instagram or any other social media platform (Facebook or Twitter), add a caption.
  2. Depending on what you share on social media, use hashtags that are not so overly used. For example, the #love has been used over 8 million times on Instagram alone. Try to be creative and original with your #hashtags.
  3. Consider using no more than 3 to 5 #hashtags. Remember, creating new hashtags are a strategic way to market your business.
  4. Failure to use hashtags renders your account to be less noticeable. Use hashtags!

Instagram is a very easy and fun way to reach a new audience, and using the right hashtags puts your content in front of your target audience. By providing those who are searching for specific keywords and phrases associated with your brand or business, Instagram and #hashtags can solidify your presence. Happy #hashtagging!


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