Women have made huge strides as leaders and innovators in the past few decades, breaking new ground in narrowing the gap between male and female differences and getting closer at achieving gender equality.

International Women’s Day is a day that is celebrated for the political, economical, and social achievements of women in the past, present and future. It was first celebrated in Chicago on  May 3, 1908, and has since then evolved to an international holiday celebrated on the March 8 dedicated to honoring and appreciating women around the world. This year, the United Nations’ theme for the day is “Equality for Women is Progress for All.”

Here are a few favorite quotes from The LMS Team dedicated to Celebrating Women Achievement:

“I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t.
…..and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid
So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive.”
Audre Lorde

“Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it.” -Hillary Rodham Clinton

“I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people don’t go forward. Bust some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go. They have to move… We have seen the barbaric situation of the 21st Century in Swat. So why should I be afraid now?”  Malala Yousafzai

“I speak not for myself but for those without voice… those who have fought for their rights… their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.” – Malala Yousafzai

“De tanto perder aprendí a ganar… De tanto llorar se me dibujo esta sonrisa. Conozco tanto el piso que sólo miro el cielo. Toqué tantas veces fondo que cada vez que bajo ya se que mañana subiré… Me asombra tanto cómo es el ser humano, que aprendí a ser yo mismo. Tuve que sentir la soledad para aprender acompañarme… Intenté ayudar tantas veces a los demás, que aprendí a esperar a que me pidan ayuda. Hago sólo lo que debo, de la mejor forma que puedo y los demás que hagan lo que quieran. Ví tantas liebres correr sin sentido que aprendí a ser tortuga y apreciar el recorrido… y lo más importante…. aprendí a ser feliz con las personas que realmente me hacen sentir bien con solo una sonrisa!” -María Jose Monti

These are just some of the faces of women who have impacted history.

international women day

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