In reflecting on how the system seems to judge the value of life so poorly, I can see the hope being ripped away from us. A society without hope is a society that has nothing to look forward to. A hopeless society will only become dangerous, full of chaos, as we are seeing now.

The holidays are supposed to be a season of hope, but instead we are in a season of fear. As an asthmatic person myself, I can understand what happened to Erik Garners. Asthma is easily triggered by stress, and he was reacting. Sadly, Erik Garners death could have been avoided.

Again, fear has clouded an officer’s judgment and the result was tragedy. We need to identify the problem and solve it NOW. We need to ask that our police officers are better trained, are compassionate, and aware.  Let’s use our courage and raise our voice. Let’s scream for justice and equality regardless of our differences. Let’s work together, because we can’t let hope die.

Written by Victoria Lara

Edited by Jovanny Evans & Tatiana García

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