“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

For some inexplicable reason everybody is having a hard time concentrating nowadays. With access to so many channels of information bombarding us 24/7 it gets complicated. Technology has given us so much, but at the same time we are losing ourselves to it. Everyone is doing and thinking about 10 things at the same time and lot of quality at the work place is getting lost as a result of that. What saddens me the more is that it’s happening to the younger generations. I think the value of investing yourself completely on what you do is disappearing.

People are content with their present situation and they don’t care about success anymore. The greatest quality we can have is really caring about doing a good job regardless of the job we have. You also need to care about yourself. When you value yourself you realize about your contributions to the good of others and raises your self-esteem. Caring puts you on the road to success.

Written by Victoria Lara

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